Ein himmlisches Geschenk
A birthday party of a special kind - La Cetra, A. Marcon, N. Rial, F. FleischanderlThere may be a risk that this programme will produce some Christmassy feelings on an early-summer evening, but then the Christmas story is simply part of Mary’s life. And what more heavenly gift could there be than the birth of a child? In this case, a heavenly child in the truest sense of the word... This concert celebrates not just new life and the birth of Jesus Christ but also the birth of a special musical instrument. Franziska Fleischanderl, who has repeatedly enraptured the Baroque Festival audience over recent years, returns to Melk to celebrate the 300th birthday of her salterio (by Michele Barbi, 1725, Rome). She also assembles the crème de la crème of Early Music, led by Andrea Marcon, to make the concert a worthy celebration.
Arcangelo Corelli
Sonata da chiesa op. 3, Nr. 12
Florido Ubaldi
Sonata per Salterio
Nicola Porpora
aus der ›Weihnachtskantate für den Palazzo Apostolico‹
Leonardo Vinci
aus ›Il Farnace‹
Antonio Vivaldi
Doppelkonzert RV 532 (arr. für Salterio) aus ›Il Giustino‹
Georg Friedrich Händel
aus ›Il delirio amoroso‹
La Cetra
Andrea Marcon | Conductor
Nuria Rial | Soprano
Franziska Fleischanderl | Salterio
Followed by a traditional ‘bread and wine’ evening.
Introductory lecture:
Albert Hosp
Dietmayrsaal / 18:45 hrs
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Important information
Weitere Termine
Barocktage 2025 Vielbucher ab 5 VA
Barocktage 2025 Vielbucher ab 9 VA
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Barocktage für Kinder >Wunderwelten<
For families with children aged 5 and upGeneralprobe >Magnificat<
Concentus Musicus Wien, P. Heras-CasadoEröffnungskonzert >Magnificat<
Concentus, P. Heras-Casado, N. Rial, S. Harmsen, M. Schade, J. KammlerSold out
Die Barocktage-Galerie
From a distanceFree Entrance
Harmonien des Himmels
A composer writes to Mary - H. Kurosaki, V. Böhm, J. Pesek, D. Bergmüller, A. Marie DragositsLeyersederin 1761
Picnic concert in the Abbey Park/ near the water basinSold out
Important informationsVom Klagen und Triumphieren
Of lamentation and triumph - Women in the Old TestamentLandkarte einer Familie
Maria Barbara in the shadow of the House of BachEin Mutterherz
Voice of love and grief - Collegium Vocale 1704 & Collegium 1704Führung >Die verborgene Madonna<
with Alexander HauerSold out
Ein musikalisches Portrait
Winners’ concert of the 11th International Johann Heinrich Schmelzer CompetitionSold out
Important informationsFührung >Die verborgene Madonna<
with Alexander HauerSold out
Führung >Die verborgene Madonna<
with Alexander HauerSold out
Geschichte einer Frau
Ensemble Les AimablesAnd she moved the thoughts in her heart
Prima Colazione
Breakfast matinee with Michael SchadeMusical organisation: The Baroque Days Consort